10th January 2019 - Product Release Notes

Sales Order And Invoicing Decimal Point Error

  • Update to correct an issue on Sales Orders in relation to rounding of prices entered to 4 decimal places.

Purchase Order Approval - Amendments

  • Update to the functionality of PO Approval with the following:
    • When the approval limit is displayed, if this value is Zero display as 'N/A
    • Update so that when the email is sent out, it is sent to last requester & "assigned to" of the PO.
    • On the edit page against a user, update the container for "LIMITS & AUTHORISATION" so that there is additional notes and rename the "Approver" field to "Approval Required Notification"

Parts Movements Tab - Related Link

  • Update to correct an issue with the related column on the movements tab of a part so that it opens the link correctly.
    • "Approver" field to "Approval Required Notification"

Purchase Orders - Total Converted Value

  • Update to correct a bug that was showing the correct currency symbol for the converted value of a purchase order that did not have the currency as GBP.

Contacts Index Page - Contact Role Filter

  • Update to correct a bug on the Role Filter of this index page which was showing an error message when applied to the page.

Contacts Index Page - Company Filter

  • Update to correct a bug on the Company Name Filter of this index page which was showing an error message when applied to the page.

Sales Order PDF - Customer Notes

  • Update to correct an issue on the Sales Order PDF, which has alignment problems for the customer notes section.

Sales Order - Default Customer Notes

  • Update to correct an issue on the Sales Order PDF, which has alignment problems for the customer notes section.
  • This update adds a field against company details, that allows a user to define text that would appear each time a SO is created, populating the 'Customer Notes'.

Flowlens FAQ Icon

  • On the footer of your Flowlens, we have now added a link to the FAQ section of our site, https://learn.flowlens.com.

Parts - Component Tab Qty

  • On the component tab of a part, we have updated this so that it now includes a total, so that the user can see easily the qty of lines that exist in this tab.

Editing Address With No Company

  • Update on the addresses index of Flowlens, so that if an address has no company then it will still be shown on this index page and can be edited by the user.

PO Approval Process - Update

  • Update to the PO approval process to remove the warning shown for approval required. This warning was still being shown for users in certain circumstances after the PO had been sent to the supplier.

Sales Order - New SO Modal

  • Update to the new sales order modal so that company is a required field to create the order on the system.

Tasks - Default Task Template

  • New functionality has been added to the system so that the user can now define tasks that can be created automatically on the creation of an enquiry on the system.
  • The tasks can be defined in settings on the following page "Task Templates"

PO Approvals & MRP Report Update

  • Update to correct an error that was restricting the PO approval process when a Purchase Order was raised from the MRP requirements page.

Job Cards - Stock Reservation Import

  • Update in functionality for Job Cards that allows a user to upload a CSV of stock requirements using the template that can be found on the actions drop down on a Job Card.

Projects - Nested Job Cards

  • Update in the functionality of our Job Cards, that now allows for multi-level job cards to be created.
  • Previously, users would only be capable of generating Job Cards for the top level finished product, but this addition now allows the user to create child job cards where needed to the assembly/manufacture of their product.

Mailchimp Integration - Phase 3

  • the following additions have been made to the Mailchimp integration that is available within Flowlens:
    • When contacts are added to a list in MailChimp, and the list is associated with FL list, match email address to either associate the contact to the list in FL or create new contacts in FL and add them to FL list.
    • When adding new contact ensure:
      • The marketing preference is set to the list's preference
      • The GDPR source has to be set.
      • The GDPR consent to be set to true.
      • Create appropriate timeline entries.
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