12th March 2019 - Product Release Notes

General Updates

Mobile Navigation

  • We have re-designed our navigation, with the main objective to make it easier to navigate in mobile and tablet devices.
  • In order to do this, we have also made some subtle changes to the desktop navigation, which are:
  • Moving 'Marketing Lists' to under the CRM section of Contacts.Marketing List Option has been moved to Contacts
  • Move the Settings icon inline with the black section of the navigation, and keep the larger icons as features of the system.Desktop navigation now has Settings moved to the right hand black section
  • Now when the user views the navigation on a mobile or tablet, we have replaced the list view on the navigation options to show the user a pop up of the navigations icons, with the further option per icon shown once it is clicked on by the user.Flowlens new mobile navigation for Mobile & Tablet

Contacts - Unique Email Address

  • Update on the contacts email tab to keep it inline with the other Email Tabs across the other features in Flowlens.
  • This means that we have replaced the 'crm@flowlens.email' address to a unique identifier email address eg 'contact-1@flowlens.email', 'contact-2@flowlens.email'.
  • This will help our customers who have emails related to the contact, but are not necessarily from the contacts email address, and could not therefore be associated correctly.

Forms - Autosaving Form Responses

  • An update has been made to form responses, that ensure the details recorded are autosaved by the system.
  • This is to help in circumstances where the forms have multiple pages, and are being completed in areas with limited or intermittent internet connections.

Enquiry - Confirming A New Contact

  • Update on the creation of an enquiry from the email address 'enquiries@customer.flowlens.email' to ensure that the email address for the contact is populated correctly when saved.

Xero - Sales & Purchase Credit Notes Status

  • Update made to the Xero integration for sales and purchase orders so that the status of cancelled is being sent through to Xero and populated against their invoices.
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