Product Releases - January 2021
Part Movement Report - Blank Downloads
- Update to correct a bug in the Part Movement Report, which was causing the downloads to appear blank.
Sales Quotes & Orders - PDF Updates
- To help customers better understand the sales PDFs and for those customers who do not necessarily have part descriptions, we have updated the sales quote and order PDFs.
- We have moved the 'Part Name' field into the description column, displaying the text above the part description.
Purchase Invoices - Daily Refresh from Xero
- Purchase Invoices have now been updated so that they are refreshed daily from Xero, inline with the same functionality used for Sales Invoices.
Marking Assets As Complete for 'In Progress' Job Cards
- Against the Job card that is in progress, you now have the ability to mark an individual asset as 'Complete’.
- The asset will become available to be dispatched from a Sales Order, while the JC remains in progress.
- At the point the Job Card is marked as complete, all assets 'In Production' will be updated, while those with a status of 'Completed' will not have In business/Available as stock flags updated.
- At the point the job card is completed, the cost price will be set against both 'In Production' and 'Completed' assets, as it cannot be set until this point of the Job Cards completion.
Email Attachments - Resizing Images
- Update made to help manage email received with images in the footer that do not resize due to their original dimensions.
Stock Take - Exclude Non tracked parts
- When adding a location to a stock take, parts that have Track Stock ='NO' will no longer be displayed on the overview or downloads for that location.
Profitability Report - Update
- Bug fix for the Profitability report to ensure that for results that included pagination did not show blank pages in the results.
Contact Index - Email Address Column
- On the contacts index page we have included a sortable column for 'Email' which is the contacts stored email address.
Sales Order - Project Link Validation
- Against a sales order validation added to the "Generate Project" option in the actions menu. To ensure that multiple projects are not created against a single Sales Order.
Commercial Invoices
- Flowlens now enables exporters to generate commercial invoices, including weights, Incoterms, commodity codes.
- Generate a PDF with on-screen signature, or print for manual signature and inclusion with the export paperwork.
Key Features
- Store standard and custom Incoterms.
- Store weights, commodity codes and country of origins for your products.
- Generate Commercial Invoice paperwork including line item breakdown of products being shipping, individual commodity codes and weights, plus importer and exporter details, exporter signature etc.
- Save PDF for printing or emailing.