Enquiry Terminology

  • Company
    • The name of the company/individual approached for enquiry. This can be an existing customer or a new perspective customer.
  • Contact
    • The name of the relevant contact for the enquiry. This is not a compulsory field and can be left empty. If you are a B2C company, you are more likely to not use this field.
  • Details
    • This is free text field to store all the information that was asked/raised in the enquiry.
  • Assigned to
    • This will be the user of Flowlens who will deal with the enquiry. It is automatically assigned to the current user, but can be changed. Please note that when a user creates an enquiry and assign it to another Flowlens user, the assigned to user will get a task created against them to deal with the enquiry. They will also receive an email as soon as the task is created.
  • Source
    • The source by which a user receives the lead. Configurable options can be found within the Settings menu.
  • Country
    • The country most pertinent to the specific enquiry, often the home nation of the company being approached. 

  • Only certain users will have access to all areas covered in this glossary.

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