Interactions are a way to record your dealings with a company/contact to show the time spent dealing with them.
There is a default list of interaction types: Email, Fax, Incoming Call, Left Voicemail, Meeting, Outgoing Call and Social Media, but this list can be updated to help meet the needs of your sales users.
Company types
Company Type is used as a way to categorise the companies that you have on your CRM. There is default options for 'Customer' and 'Supplier', but additional options can be added.
Address types
Address Type is used as a way to categorise the address(es) that you store against a company in Flowlens. We include a default option of 'Head Office'
Additional types can be added to the system.
Sectors are used within the Flowlens application as a further way to categorise leads and report on business sectors.
Marketing preferences
Users can create a list of marketing preferences relevant to their customers.
These preferences will display as checkboxes within the 'Edit User' GDPR compliance section.
GDPR sources
When defining the consent of a contact for GDPR, if you obtained the customer data and or their consents from a third party rather than the customer directly, you can record the source of the data too.
This option allows users to setup and update the list of sources that are use for contacts and companies in their system.
Contact roles
A dropdown found within 'Edit Contact' in the Flowlens application.
Users can define the popular roles of the individuals your company deals with, which will populate this dropdown against a contact, and also provide a search filter for your contacts index page or when creating a Marketing list.
! Only certain users will have access to all areas covered in this glossary.
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