Service Job Card Terminology


  • Ref Number
    • A unique serial number assigned to each service job card
    • This is generated by Flowlens and cannot be edited or updated
  • Title
    • Free text title of the service and why it is opened
    • Every service must have a title
  • Assigned to
    • This is defaulted to the current user but can be changed
    • Users assigned a service job card also receive an email confirming the assignment
  • Target start date/time
    • These are optional fields and can be used to schedule the job
  • Target completion date/time
    • These are optional fields and can be used to schedule the job
  • Description
    • A free text description can be entered
  • Part
    • The part that's being serviced. Once a service job card is created, this cannot be changed
  • Asset
    • The asset that's being serviced. Once a service job card is created, this cannot be changed
  • Stock reservations
    • This section is used to record all the parts/quantities that were used in the service/repair in the service job card:
      • Part and Description : These are added parts that are consumed in the service job card. Parts can be searched using part search and their description can be edited
      • Location : This specifies the part location from where the stock will be picked up. It is compulsory to define a part location for each stock reservation
      • Quantity Required : The amount of the part that is required in the service job card is the quantity required for the job card to be fully completed
      • Quantity Reserved : This specifies how many quantities from the required quantities are actually being kitted/issued to the service job card. e.g. there might be a requirement to use 10 bolts in total, but so far only 6 have been used. Quantity reserved signifies actual amount consumed as opposed to projected required quantity.
      • Allocate Assets : If any of the stock being consumed is asset-able, then upon reserving the stock, users can record the serial number of the asset being consumed. e.g. in a machine, one might require an engine, and engines all have serial numbers. Upon picking up an engine from the shelf and allocating it to the service job card, the Flowlens application will allow you to record the engine serial number. This ensures there is a permanent record of which serial number was consumed, as well as ensuring stock levels remain accurate
  • Input assets
    • Serial numbers recorded for any stock reserved in the service job card appear in the 'Input Asset' tab
  • Labor cost
    • This field comes from timekeeping entries on the service job card
    • Against each user, standard rates can be defined against each user in the settings menu. These standard rates are the user's hourly rate
    • Multiple timesheet Chargeable rates can be defined in settings. These are standard multipliers that can be defined as 'Overtime', 'Weekend work' or as preferred
    • When a user enters time on the job card, the time cost is calculated as:
      • Hours entered * User hourly rate * Chargeable rate
    • Labor cost on the job card is the sum of all the timekeeping entries on the job card
  • Material spent
    • This is the sum of cost of the parts/assets reserved on the stock reservation.
    • Cost of stock reservation is calculated as:
      • Part quantity reserved * Unit cost (as defined on the stock reservation lines)
    • If any of the parts reserved are assets, then the stock reservation cost is defined as the asset's cost price.
  • Status
    • Pending : Once a service job card is created, the default starting status is set as 'Pending'
    • Open : Once a service job card is started, the status will be set to 'Open'
    • Closed : Once a service job card is completed, the status will be set to 'Closed'


  • Edit
    • This enables users to edit the following fields on the service job card : Assigned To, Description, Target Start Date/Time and Target End Date/Time
  • Start job card
    • This enables users to update the status of the service job card to 'Open'
    • User can specify date/time of the start, which is defaulted to current date/time
    • The option to edit date/time at the point of starting a service job card allows user to get the data entry correct if they are doing the start/complete SJC retrospectively
  • Complete job card
    • This enables users to update the status of the service job card to 'Closed'
    • User can specify date/time of the start, which is defaulted to current date/time
    • The option to edit date/time at the point of completing a service job card allows user to get the data entry correct if they are doing the start/complete service job cards retrospectively
    • A service job card can only be closed when all required stock is reserved. If any part/quantity specified in stock reservation section is not reserved, then the option to close the service job card will not appear
  • Reserve stock
    • This enables users to reserve the stock specified as required in the stock reservation section of the service job cards
  • New stock reservation
    • This enables users to add new part/quantity/unit cost into the stock reservation section, as and when they require more stock for service/repair in a service job card
  • Reassign
    • This enables users to assign the service to another user
  • Download PDF
    • This enables users to download a PDF for the service job card.
      ! Only certain users will have access to all areas covered in this glossary.
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