Job Cards Terminology

Meta data

  • Ref number
    • This is unique job card serial number that is automatically generated at point of creation
    • If the project is related to a sales order, then the number is defined as:
      • "SO" + 'SO number' - 'Job card ID'
      • Example: if SO number is 11234 and there are three job cards within the project, then the Job card numbers will be SO11234-91, SO11234-92 and SO11234-93
    • If the project is not related to a sales order, then the job card number is
      • "P" + ' Unique sequential project number' - 'Job Card ID'
    • Job card IDs are sequential numbers starting from '1' onwards.
  • Assigned to
    • Allows users to select the user responsible for completing the job card.
    • It is not compulsory for job cards to have an assigned user, however assigning a user will ensure that the job card appears on Flowlens calendar view.
  • Target start date
    • Use this field to schedule a start date for the job card.
    • It is not compulsory for a job card to have a start date, however assigning one will ensure that the project appears on Flowlens calendar view.
    • There is a job card widget which shows figures based on target start date.
  • Target end date
    • Use this field to schedule an end date for the job card.
    • It is not compulsory for a job card to have an end date, however assigning it one will ensure that project appears on Flowlens calendar view.
    • There is a job card widget which shows figures based on target start date.
  • Actual start date
    • Once a job card is started, the actual start date is filled in by the current timestamp.
    • It cannot be edited by the user.
  • Actual end date
    • The moment JC is completed, the actual end date is filled in by the current timestamp.
    • It cannot be edited by the user.
  • Notes
    • Displays as a free text field on job cards.
    • When a job card is created from sales order, this field is populated with sales order Line item description.
    • Can be edited/updated at any point and is printed on the job card PDF.
  • Labor cost
    • This field comes from timekeeping entries on the job card.
    • Standard labor rates can be defined in the settings menu. These are the hourly rates of the user.
    • Multiple timesheet chargeable rates can be defined in the settings menu. These are standard multipliers that can be defined as 'Overtime', 'Weekend work' etc
    • When a user enters time on the job card, the time cost is calculated as:
      • Hours entered * User hourly rate * Chargeable rate
    • Labor cost on the job card are the sum of all the job card's timekeeping entries.
  • Material spent
    • This is the sum of cost of the parts/assets reserved on the stock reservation.
    • Cost of stock reservation is calculated as:
      • Part quantity reserved* Unit cost (as defined on the stock reservation lines)
    • If any of the parts reserved are assets, then the stock reservation cost is the asset's cost price.
  • JC status
    • JobCard can have following statuses:
      • Pending : When a job card is first created, its status is set to 'Pending'.
      • In progress: When a job card is started, its status is updated to 'In progress'
      • On Hold : A job card can be put on hold from the 'Actions' drop-down
      • Complete: Once a job card is marked as 'Complete', its status is changed to complete.
      • Cancelled: A job card can be cancelled any time until is is completed. Upon cancelling the job card, all the input stock reservations are 'freed up' and no output part(s)/asset(s) are produced.

Manufacturing details

  • Output part
    • An output part of a Job card is the part that is being manufactured. It is the same as the project part.
  • Output assets
    • If any of the parts that are being manufactured are 'Asset-able', then there will be output assets associated with the Job card.
    • For e.g. if a job card is created to make 3 phones (phones being asset-able parts) , then upon creating the job card, 3 output assets will be added in the job card output asset tab. Also see Bulk Assignment of Input and Output Asset serial numbers for Cob Cards
  • Stock reservations
    • Stock reservations signify the input that goes on to manufacture the output parts/assets.
      • Part and Description: These are added parts, to be consumed in the job card. Parts can be searched using part search and then description can be edited as needed.
      • Location : This specifies the part location from where the stock will be picked up. It is compulsory to define a part location for each stock reservation.
      • Quantity Required : The amount of the part that is required in the job card is the quantity required.
      • Quantity Reserved : This specifies how many quantities from the required quantities are actually being kitted/issued to the job card. Example: there might be a requirement to user 10 bolts in total, but so far only 6 has been used. Quantity reserved signified actual amount being consumed as opposed to what was required. If more stock was reserved that was not required, it will be appear in the wastage report.
      • Allocate assets: If any of the stock being consumed is asset-able, then upon reserving the stock, user can record the serial number of the asset being consumed. Example: In a machine, one might require an engine. All engines have serial numbers. Upon picking up an engine from the shelf and allocating it to the job card, Flowlens allows users the option to record the engine serial number. This ensures there is permanent record of which serial number was consumed, as well as ensuring that engine stock remains at accurate levels.
  • Input assets

! Only certain users will have access to all areas covered in this glossary.

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