Enquiry and Sales Pipeline Overview

Flowlens Manufacturing CRM software is designed to track your sales activity and help you sell more by understanding what works, and what doesn't.

Instead of relying on people's memory, unread emails or spreadsheets, you can track everything and ensure vital follow-ups are made.

Watch this video for an overview of the main manufacturing CRM workflow.

convert flowlens enquiry to sales lead

Enquiry Management

Record new business enquiries, assign them, and track follow-ups. Many businesses don't do this, and they waste thousands in lost opportunities and marketing return on investment. We recommend that you use the Enquiry as a qualification tool, and once you are satisfied that the enquiry is a genuine customer, you can 'Convert to Sales Lead'.

Sales Leads

The Sales Lead lets you track progress of a sales opportunity, set follow-up tasks for yourself and other team members, upload files, log email communications, and record other interactions such as phone calls, meetings etc. 

You can add a Sales Lead to the forecast by giving it an 'Estimated Closing Date', a 'Quoted Value, and optionally updating the sales stage. Forecasting gives you a rapid understanding the current health of your pipeline, and is useful for team and board meetings.


You can add quotations with the sales lead, generating a professional, consistent document that you can send directly to the customer. Where applicable you can use the product configurator to add additional options and upgrades to products. You can also attach other files directly, or from the ' Email Attachment Library'. When the customer approves the order, this can be converted directly in to a Sales Order, meaning you don't have to re-key any data. 

NOTE - You don't have to follow the Enquiry > Sales Lead > Quotation workflow. For example you may get a call from an existing customer who is already qualified, and can skip the 'Enquiry' step. Or a customer may simply need a Quote for a spare part, and you can jump straight into Sales Quotations and generate one.


A Sales Order can be generated from a Sales Quotation, saving time keying data in twice. However you don't need to make a Quotation to raise an Order, simply visit Sales > Sales Orders to start an order. Please note configurable parts must use the Quotation page in order to choose the required configuration options.

Pro-Forma Invoices

If necessary a Sales Order can be converted into a Pro-Forma Invoice

Commercial Invoices

In order to help with Export Documentation, you can raise a Commercial Invoice from the Sales Order.

Sales Invoice

One or more Sales Invoices can be raised from the Sales Order and sent to Xero, QuickBooks or Sage.


Whether it's your own activity, or others, you can configure dashboard widgets to suit you needs. For example enquiries by source, sales leads by rep, overdue sales, sales performance by customer or product, and much more. Add a widget from the dashboard, or turn a filtered search into a widget wherever you see the dashboard icon: 

Flowlens dashboard widget creation button

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