Adding users to Flowlens

! Internal administrators are responsible for creating any new users and defining their permissions. Only administrators can add users.

To add a user to Flowlens, go to the Settings menu and select 'Users', as highlighted below.

Select the 'New User' button.

Once selected, a pop-up will display. The following are required fields in order to save the create the new user:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email (also used as user login ID)
  • Timezone
  • Status
  • Permissions
  • Can Download Reports? (ability to export / download data from Flowlens)
  • Purchase Order Limits (PO's require approval above user defined limits before sending to a supplier)
  • Sales Quotation Limits (SQ's require approval above user defined limits before sending to a customer)
  • Biling - Cost Per Hour (used to calculate billable labour, where applicable, on job cards from the time logged on timesheets)
  • Biling - Cost Rate (see below on how to setup different rates)

New User pop-up modal

Once all fields are complete, select 'Save'. The new user will be sent an invite email. This email prompts the new user to define a password.

Once a password has been set, the user will be able to log into Flowlens.

New cost rates can be setup via the settings menu

To add a new rate click the + button

Now complete the fields below 

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